Through the development of a wide range of services for the professional Groundwater Community, ISGSD is likely to provide a significant contribution to better development and sustainable management of the groundwater resources of the world.
- Dissemination of state of the art high quality research outputs from different parts of the world through an International Journal of Groundwater for Sustainable Development. We are in the process of proposing the inception of this Journal to Elsevier Science as this has a wider access to the contents via Science Direct.
- Publications based on the Papers presented in the ISGSD International Congress Groundwater for Sustainable Development. The first book is being currently under preparation with a title: Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Problems, Perspectives and Challenges edited by Prosun
- Bhattacharya (Sweden), AL.Ramanathan (India), Jochen Bundschuh, A.K. Keshari (India), D. Chandrasekharam (India) and M. Thangarajan (India). The Society with the active initiatives of its members will also have the possibility to suggest relevant topics for preparing Special Publications of the Society. (ISGSD Special Publications). We propose the IGC-2006 Volume to be the ISGSD Special Publication 1.